Friday March 13th was the last day I got good mornings, hugs and high fives from students. It was the last day I would "see" my students for the school year 2019 - 2020. It was the last "normal" day.
We will not be having the 4th grade math team attend the Middlesex Math Madness tournament, or have the 3rd grade Math Olympics. We will not finish the math curriculum for the year, we will not have math games days or playing the end of year jeopardy games. While all this is sad, and disappointing, it is nothing compared to the loss of the face to face interaction with my students.
I miss seeing the smiles of the students when they say good morning each day. I miss the excitement I see in their eyes as they learn something new and are able to understand it. I miss the anticipation I see when we start something new and I miss the wonder I see as they explore and make connections.
Teaching isn't just about the curriculum, but it is about connections; connections between what they know and what they learn; connections between what they learn today and what they learn next week and connections between what they can do and how they can explain it. But most of all, and most importantly it is the connection between the student and the teacher. It is that connection I will miss the most and will treasure even more when the school buildings open and we are back to "normal"
So for now, I give all of my students a virtual hug, hello and high five! I miss you all and look forward to seeing you soon!