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Some math sites that have been reviewed by teachers and parents

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Strengthen reasoning strategies for whole number addition and multiplication by helping monsters make a target sum or product. Earn points with each correct answer… but watch out for distractions! To be successful, plan ahead and strategically select numbers from the sushi counter.   

Great for all elementary - levels are for addition and multiplication                                                                                Free

To Count? Or, not to count? That is the question. Can you look at a carton of eggs and tell how many are left just by looking? Can you determine the amount of people at a table without walking around and tapping each of them on the top of the head? If you said yes to any of these questions then you, my friend, are a SUBITIZER!  

Great for K - 2                              99 cents

Hour hand, minute hand, AM, PM...these can all add to the confusion that comes with learning to read the time for young children. This app covers all the basics and tackles the hard questions as well, all in a fun and easy-to-understand approach aimed to both delight and educate young learners.
Great for grades 1 - 4
For the Ipad, Iphone and the Kindle  
There is a free version up to $2.99

This site has Apps for the IPad and IPhone that work with addition, subtraction, number recognition, fractions and more!  The prices are up to $2.99, with at least one being free.  
The apps are a way to have your child practice math but have fun doing it!

Other Apps

All of these apps have a free version with limited use but  you can pay to download the full version for 2.99

For K - 3
Activities and puzzles

math slide add.webp

addition and subtraction

math slide.webp

multiplication and division

math slide basic facts.webp

all facts

math slide low place value.webp

ones and tens

math slide place value.webp

hundreds, tens and ones

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