Can you believe we have been back to school for 2 weeks! I can't, although sometimes I feel like we never left!! This week I have been starting in classes and working with the students during math time.
Kindergarten is looking at numbers to 5.
First grade is making 10, using number bonds and 5- groups.
Second grade is reviewing many of the strategies and concepts we did last year. I am so impressed with what they remember!
Third grade students are beginning multiplication! They are so excited! We are starting with groups of items, rows and columns and arrays.
Fourth grade is working on place value and "10 times as many" a difficult concept for them to transfer to different situations.
I love seeing the excitement in their eyes, and the smiles when they "get it." One student with whom I have worked for 4 years, today, for the first time, asked me if she could "coach" another student with their work! That made my heart smile! I look forward to seeing more of this as the year goes on!! Please remember to contact me with any questions or comments!