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We're Back!!!!!!!

Mrs. Buscemi

Can you believe we have been back to school for 2 weeks! I can't, although sometimes I feel like we never left!! This week I have been starting in classes and working with the students during math time.

  • Kindergarten is looking at numbers to 5.

  • First grade is making 10, using number bonds and 5- groups.

  • Second grade is reviewing many of the strategies and concepts we did last year. I am so impressed with what they remember!

  • Third grade students are beginning multiplication! They are so excited! We are starting with groups of items, rows and columns and arrays.

  • Fourth grade is working on place value and "10 times as many" a difficult concept for them to transfer to different situations.

I love seeing the excitement in their eyes, and the smiles when they "get it." One student with whom I have worked for 4 years, today, for the first time, asked me if she could "coach" another student with their work! That made my heart smile! I look forward to seeing more of this as the year goes on!! Please remember to contact me with any questions or comments!


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